The companies said on Wednesday that Reuters-Telegram Inc and Integral Ad Science will team up to provide advertisers with tweet-level analysis of content next to their ads.
The social media platform is struggling with falling revenue, as advertisers slash spending on the platform after billionaire Elon Musk made several changes following his takeover.
Marketers are looking for confidence to invest in Twitter and grow their investment in Twitter. Craig Ziegler, senior vice president, Product Management of Integral Ad Science, said that and that is what this is all about.
IAS will give advertisers the chance to measure brand safety, an industry term to protect its online reputation and evaluate content that is next to an ad at the tweet level.
As many companies, including General Motors and United Airlines, paused or pulled back advertising on the platform, Musk has been trying to retain clients.
Many advertisers, including Dyson, Mazda, Forbes and PBS Kids, suspended their marketing campaigns or removed their ads from parts of Twitter because their promotions appeared alongside tweets soliciting child pornography.