Last year, 21339 traffic accidents happened in the Federal Bureau of Statistics in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where 117 people died and 6 814 were injured.
The number of traffic accidents is four percent higher than in 2021. The number of killed is lower by 41 people or 25.9 percent, and the number of injured people is higher by 195 people or 2.9 percent.
The biggest number of the dead, 56, is in the age group of 25-64 years old, which is 47.9 percent of the total number of dead, and the largest number of injured people, i.e., are in the same age group. In total, 3,648 people were injured, or 53.5 percent of the total.
Largest number, observed by month In December, there were 2,165 traffic accidents, or 10.1 percent of the total number of traffic accidents on roads last year.
The most people, 14 of them, died in March.
The total number of traffic accidents in the FBiH was 16.518, or 77.4 percent, with material damage.