Northern Territory Faces Tight Election as Crime, Economy, and Cost-of-Living Take Center Stage

Northern Territory Faces Tight Election as Crime, Economy, and Cost-of-Living Take Center Stage

A Tight Race Between Labor and CLP

The Northern Territory is gearing up for a tight election on August 24, 2024, with Territory Labor and the Country Liberal Party (CLP) neck and neck in the polls. The election comes amidst rising crime, a shrinking economy, and increasing cost-of-living pressures.

In power for eight years, with a slight majority of 14 seats.

Seeking a third term despite leadership instability and integrity scandals.

Led by Treasurer Eva Lawler, who has implemented controversial curfew laws and championed gas expansion.

Faces challenges from rising crime, cost of living, and independent candidates.

Aims to return to power after eight years in opposition.

Led by Lia Finocchiaro, who has overseen a six-seat swing since the last election.

Needs to win at least 13 seats to govern in its own right.

Focuses on tough-on-crime policies, including lowering the age of criminal responsibility and mandatory alcohol rehabilitation.

Faces questions about its own history of infighting and instability.

Crime: Both parties propose youth camps and new women's prisons, while the CLP also wants to lower the age of criminal responsibility and reintroduce mandatory alcohol rehabilitation.

Both parties support gas industry growth, despite environmental concerns.

Both parties offer generous home builder grants and support for domestic violence services.

Historically low, particularly among Indigenous communities.

Election Day: Saturday, August 24, 2024

Opens two weeks prior

Begins 10 days before Election Day

Begins after polls close at 6pm on Election Day

Expected later that night or the following day, depending on the closeness of the race

The Northern Territory has a unicameral parliament with 25 members.

A hung parliament is a possibility, with independent candidates potentially playing a kingmaker role.

This election will be a crucial test for both major parties, with Territorians facing important decisions about their future.