Manorama Khedkar Released on Bail, Puja Khedkar's Anticipatory Bail Plea Dismissed

Manorama Khedkar Released on Bail, Puja Khedkar's Anticipatory Bail Plea Dismissed

Manorama Khedkar, mother of former probationary IAS officer Puja Khedkar, was released from Yerawada Central Jail on Saturday. The Pune Court had granted her bail on August 2nd in a criminal intimidation case related to a land dispute. She was arrested by Pune rural police last month and the case was filed in the Paud police station.

Meanwhile, the Delhi Court on Thursday dismissed the anticipatory bail plea of Puja Khedkar. The court stated that the allegations against her are serious and require thorough investigation. The court also said that custodial interrogation of Puja Khedkar is required to unearth the whole conspiracy and establish the involvement of other persons.

In July, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) cancelled the provisional candidature of Puja Khedkar and permanently debarred her from all future exams and selections.