Tata Electronics conducted a significant groundbreaking ceremony for its chip assembly and testing unit in Assam, with the event graced by the presence of Assam’s Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and Tata Sons’ Chairman N Chandrasekaran. During the ceremony, Chandrasekaran conveyed well wishes from Ratan Tata to the people of Assam, emphasizing the importance of the project in providing job opportunities and establishing a strong electronics value chain in the region. The Tata Sons Chairman expressed gratitude towards Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and Union minister Ashwani Vaishnav for their support in expediting the project, highlighting the potential for growth and innovation within the electronics sector.
The Tata Group is enthusiastic about leading the advanced electronics ecosystem in India, particularly acknowledging the support and guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Chandrasekaran underscored the innovation-driven initiatives that are set to elevate Assam within the global electronics supply chain ecosystem, while also noting the longstanding relationship between Tata Group and Assam, where approximately 60,000 employees are currently employed across various industries. The proposed semiconductor plant in Jagiroad, Assam, is part of the larger plan approved by the Union Cabinet earlier in February, featuring investments in three semiconductor plants, including two in Gujarat and one in Assam, with an estimated cost of Rs 1.26 lakh crore.
The establishment of the Tata electronics facility in Assam is poised to bring significant economic benefits to the region, generating both direct and indirect job opportunities and bolstering industrialization efforts in North-East India. The project, expected to kick off construction this year, aims to have its first phase operational by mid-2025, showcasing a concrete step towards enhancing the electronics manufacturing landscape in the country. Former Tata Group chairman Ratan Tata lauded the investments being made in Assam, particularly highlighting the transformative impact on cancer care treatments and the strategic positioning of Assam as a key player in the semiconductor industry. The collaboration between the state government of Assam and Tata Group is projected to elevate Assam's profile on a global scale, thanks to the support and vision of Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma.