The top officials of the BSF, including the Director General Daljit Singh Chaudhary, Additional Director General of Eastern Command Ravi Gandhi, and Inspector General of South Bengal Maninder Pratap Singh, visited the Indo-Bangladesh border in West Bengal to assess the readiness of BSF in these key areas. This visit was significant in evaluating the strategic deployment of troops and ensuring that border security measures are in place to address any potential threats or challenges that may arise.
During the visit, the officials received a detailed briefing on the strategic scenario and operations conducted by the battalions of the Eastern Command at the South Bengal Frontier Headquarters. The role of BSF in maintaining national security along the sensitive international border was highlighted, emphasizing the importance of vigilance and proactive measures to safeguard India's borders effectively. Additionally, discussions focused on the unique challenges posed by the rainforest and water-rich terrain of the region, with a particular emphasis on combating border crimes such as smuggling and illegal crossings.
The visit also included an inspection of the responsibilities of the 118th Battalion along the water border with Bangladesh, showcasing the diverse challenges faced by BSF personnel in these areas. The Commandant of the battalion provided insights into the operational strategies and measures implemented to address border crimes, underscoring the commitment of BSF in safeguarding the borders and maintaining peace in the region. The visit concluded with an examination of the outpost situated in the dense rainforest of the Sundarbans, further highlighting the dedication and vigilance of BSF in ensuring the security and sovereignty of the nation.