Shimamura Co. recently made headlines after the release of its Birthday brand, a collaboration with artist Ken Kagami, which featured baby items like socks and headbands with statements such as "Dad always comes home late" and "Dad doesn't take care of me at all." The line quickly sparked outrage online, with users on social media platforms like X criticizing the brand for insulting fathers and perpetuating negative stereotypes.
In response to the backlash, Shimamura Co. decided to pull the entire line of controversial baby items less than 24 hours after their release. The company issued a statement apologizing for any discomfort caused and emphasized that they never intended to promote sexual discrimination with their products, adding that the items were meant to reflect common interactions between parents and children.
While some may argue that the clothing items were meant to express everyday conversations between parents and kids, critics argue that dressing children in such clothing perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes and societal norms. Tomomi Shinada, a lecturer at Josai International University, highlighted the implications of such products, pointing out that they risk reinforcing outdated views on gender roles and could hinder progress towards gender equality in Japan.