Bharat Rasayan's stock price soared by 20% and hit an upper circuit at Rs 12,808.85 per share on the BSE in early morning deals. This surge followed the firm's substantial profit growth in Q1FY25, with the company's profit skyrocketing by 508.2% to Rs 43.1 crore from Rs 7.09 crore, and revenue increasing by 18% to Rs 282.2 crore from Rs 239.2 crores in the corresponding quarter of the previous year. Additionally, the company's total expenses rose by 4.5% to Rs 251.39 crore compared to Rs 240.22 crore in the year-ago period.
Moreover, Bharat Rasayan's debt to equity ratio rose to 0.8% in the June quarter from 0.2% in Q1FY24, although it remained stable sequentially. The earning per share (EPS) of the company surged to 103.77 from Rs 17.06, marking a 508.26% increase, while on a quarterly basis, the EPS declined by 35.75% from Rs 161.51 per share in Q4FY24. The company's share price has witnessed a remarkable uptrend, rising by 43.14% in the past six months and 39.24% in the last year.
Bharat Rasayan specializes in producing technical formulations and intermediates for pesticides, including products like Metaphenoxy Benzaldehyde, Fenvalerate, Cypermethrin Ethyl Ester, and Isoproturon. Founded by SN Gupta and Bharat Insecticides, the company's range of technical-grade pesticides serves as raw materials for pesticide formulation units, aiding in enhancing plant protection and boosting agricultural productivity. The firm is currently trading at a price to earnings multiple of 58.43 times, with an EPS of Rs 182.69.