Apple, renowned for increasing the sizes of its iPhone models over the years, is now taking a different approach with its computers. The tech giant is reportedly working on introducing the smallest Mac Mini to date, as shared in a recent report from Bloomberg. This new Mac Mini is anticipated to feature the latest M4 and M4 Pro chips, showcasing a major design shift from the previous version launched back in 2010.
Sources familiar with Apple's plans indicated that the upcoming Mac Mini is set to have a compact form factor, possibly similar in size to the current Apple TV which measures 1.4 inches in height, sporting an aluminum shell design. Described as essentially an iPad Pro compressed into a small box, this diminutive Mac Mini is expected to come with Type-C ports, a power cable, and an HDMI port on the back. It is reported that there will be two variations of this model, one with the standard M4 chip akin to the iPad Pro, and another with the more advanced M4 Pro chip. While the base model is said to commence shipping to suppliers this month, the high-end version may not be available until October, marking the first Mac lineup to feature the M4 chip.
In a separate development, Apple is purportedly considering charging customers for its Apple Intelligence features, as highlighted by a CNBC report citing Counterpoint Analysts. The potential premium of $20 for AI capabilities could be integrated as part of the Apple One subscription bundle, according to Neil Shah from Counterpoint Research. It is suggested that monetizing value-added services could be a lucrative move for Apple with its Apple Intelligence offering, as mentioned by Ben Wood, chief of research at CCS Insight, indicating that Apple's strategy of charging for advanced features within this service cannot be ruled out.