The Dangers of Picking Wild Mushrooms
As autumn approaches and mushroom picking season begins, a specialist organization warns of the dangers associated with consuming wild mushrooms. Picking the wrong type of fungi can lead to severe illness or even death.
The organization highlights the particular risk of mushrooms found in parks and roadsides, which can be fatal if ingested. A recent case in Osaka illustrates this danger. A man in his 50s picked a mushroom in a park, mistaking it for an edible variety. After consuming it, he experienced severe pain and vomiting, requiring hospitalization.
Experts emphasize the inherent risk involved in eating wild mushrooms. With thousands of species in Japan, only a small fraction are considered safe and palatable. Identifying edible mushrooms is challenging, as their appearance can vary depending on factors like time of year and location.
The health ministry reports that two people have died in recent years after consuming wild mushrooms. Many types of mushroom poison remain unidentified, further increasing the risk.
"Eating wild mushrooms is a big gamble. Only a small percent are edible, and the rest are all dangerous. It's high risk, low return."
Instead of foraging for wild mushrooms, experts recommend purchasing them from reputable sources to ensure safety and avoid potentially life-threatening consequences.