Wednesday's Weather Forecast
Mostly sunny skies with scattered medium and high clouds.
Windy conditions with moderate to strong and gusty winds from the south-southwest.
Daytime temperatures will rise, ranging from 12°C to 17°C. Some areas may reach highs of 18°-20°C.
Sofia's highest temperature will be around 15°C.
Mostly sunny with scattered medium and high clouds.
Strong to stormy winds from the west-southwest.
Increasing cloudiness in the evening over Western Bulgaria's massifs.
Rainfalls expected in the western regions of the Balkan Mountain by midnight.
Snowfalls above 1500 meters.
around 12°C.
around 6°C.
Mostly sunny skies.
Reduced visibility in some areas during the morning hours.
Moderate, temporarily strong and gusty winds from the south-southwest in the afternoon.
14°C - 16°C, slightly higher than the sea water temperature.