Elon Musk Agrees with Steve Jobs on CEO's Most Important Job

Elon Musk Agrees with Steve Jobs on CEO's Most Important Job

Elon Musk, the world's wealthiest individual, recently voiced his alignment with the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs' belief on the primary responsibility of a CEO within a company. In a clip shared by Startup Archive, Jobs emphasized that recruiting top talent and instilling a shared vision are essential for a CEO, rather than mere management. According to Jobs, a leader's role is to ensure that the team is self-managing through a common vision articulated effectively to foster consensus.

Musk, a well-known admirer of Jobs, concurred with these sentiments, reinforcing his own leadership philosophy influenced by Jobs' principles. The focus on recruiting exceptional individuals, fostering a team culture dedicated to innovation, and transforming ideas into successful products aligns with both Musk and Jobs' outlook on effective leadership within a company. Despite their shared values, Musk has previously criticized Jobs for Apple's reluctance to embrace open-source technologies, indicating a nuanced relationship between their leadership styles.