Controversy Over Proposal to Serve Alcohol on Brisbane's Story Bridge

Controversy Over Proposal to Serve Alcohol on Brisbane's Story Bridge

A recent proposal by the Story Bridge Adventure Climb company to serve alcoholic beverages on top of Brisbane's iconic Story Bridge has sparked controversy. The company aims to extend the climb along the entire length of the bridge, providing stairs and safety lines for visitors to walk on the north side. However, residents of Petrie Point Apartments, located adjacent to the bridge, have expressed concerns about privacy invasion and the potential for climbers to peer into their bedrooms.

John Parker, a resident of Petrie Point Apartments, criticized the proposal, stating that the idea of serving alcohol on top of the bridge was nonsensical and could jeopardize the safety of climbers. Additionally, Monica Dawkins, another resident, highlighted her worries about the lack of privacy and anxiety caused by the prospect of people drinking alcohol while overlooking their homes. These residents fear that the proposed northern bridge climb would disrupt their living environment and force them to close their blinds to maintain their privacy.

Howard Smith Wharves, which acquired the Story Bridge Adventure Climb earlier this year as part of its redevelopment plans for the precinct ahead of the 2032 Olympics, is at the center of the controversy. The proximity of the northern end of the Story Bridge to the wharves has raised concerns about increased noise and rowdiness in the neighborhood. Despite opposition from some residents and concerns about the impact on the local community, the proposal is likely to be approved by the Brisbane City Council, with opposition leader Jared Cassidy stating that Labor planned to abstain from voting, effectively paving the way for approval.