Ishimaru Launches New Party, Aims for Tokyo Assembly Seats

Ishimaru Launches New Party, Aims for Tokyo Assembly Seats

Shinji Ishimaru Establishes New Political Party, Aims for Tokyo Assembly Seats

Shinji Ishimaru, who surprised many with his strong performance in the Tokyo gubernatorial election last July, has announced the formation of a new regional political party called Saisei no Michi (rebirth path).

The 42-year-old former mayor of Akitakata in Hiroshima Prefecture made the announcement at a news conference in the capital on January 15th. He stated that his party plans to field candidates in the upcoming Tokyo metropolitan assembly election, expected to be held in the summer.

Ishimaru emphasized the need for change and rebirth in Japan, stating that his party aims to "encourage broad participation in politics by the people." However, he remained tight-lipped about specific policies, saying that he would leave those decisions to the candidates themselves.

Ishimaru gained significant support in the gubernatorial race through his online presence, using videos and messages to criticize traditional political parties. While he ultimately lost to incumbent Yuriko Koike, he garnered over 1.66 million votes, significantly exceeding expectations and surpassing Renho, a former Upper House member who was anticipated to be Koike's main challenger.

The Tokyo metropolitan assembly elections are held in 42 districts, with seven districts electing one member each and the remaining 35 districts electing between two and eight members. Ishimaru's party intends to field candidates in all districts, with multiple candidates expected in the larger districts.

Ishimaru also announced a two-term limit for elected party members in the assembly. He himself will not be running for a seat but will serve as the party's representative. He did not rule out another attempt at the Tokyo governorship, stating that while it is a strong option, it is not the only choice.

The party's candidate selection process will involve a three-stage process, including application screening, an aptitude test, and an interview. Videos of the interviews will be made available online.

Ishimaru stated that Saisei no Michi aims to develop human resources as politicians and increase the number of local government leaders with experience in the Tokyo metropolitan assembly. Currently, the assembly consists of 124 members, with 30 belonging to the Liberal Democratic Party, 27 to Koike's Tomin First no Kai, and 23 to Komeito. The terms of the current members expire on July 22nd, and the date for the next election has not yet been set.