China to expand property tax reform trials in more areas

China to expand property tax reform trials in more areas

- China s State Council will expand property tax reform trials to more areas and start taxing residential property owners, Xinhua reported.

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The plan, approved by the National People s Congress Standing Committee, China s top legislative body, is designed to guide rational property buying and will last for five years, according to the report. The locations and number of areas where trials will be undertaken were not specified.

Property prices in China have skyrocketed since private home ownership was introduced in 1998, and the government has faced an ongoing battle to control speculators. Authorities started property tax trials in 2011 in Shanghai and Chongqing, levying annual charges on second or high-priced homes.

Residences owned by individuals are currently not subject to taxes, according to a law imposed in 1986, while there is an annual tax on commercial properties. Local governments earn income from developers mainly through land sales collecting a total of 8.4 trillion yuan $1.3 trillion last year.

China s new home prices fell for the first time in six years and sales plunged 16.9% from a year earlier in September as the country s second largest real estate developer, Evergrande Group, plunged into a debt crisis which led to a property slowdown nationwide.

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