This glove will protect your body from strain injuries

This glove will protect your body from strain injuries

The Ironhand glove strengthens the wearer's grip, meaning they don't have to use as much force to perform repetitive manual tasks. The developer, Bioservo, says it can increase the wearer's hand strength by 20%. The Swedish company describes the system as a soft exoskeleton. Exoskeletons are an external device that is designed to protect the body, typically strengthening and durability. Most have a rigid structure, but the Ironhand is soft, like a regular glove. When the glove is on it provides strength and reduces the effort needed while lifting objects, says Mikael Wester, Bioservo's marketing director. It all goes down both ways to stop fatigue and prevent strain injuries in the long run. The system consists of a backpack, which houses the power pack, and artificial tendons that connect to the glove. There are a sensors on each fingertip that turn the motor in when a user pulls an object. A remote control or app can be used to adjust the strength and sensitivity of the grip. Wester says applications include assembly on the production line in the automotive industry, lifting heavy objects in warehouses and using tools for construction. Each Ironhand system costs around €6,000 $7,275 The device also collects data that allows the company to assess the wearer's risk of developing strain injuries. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, working-related neck and upper limb disorders are the most common occupational disease in Europe costing national economies upto 2% of their gross national product. The glove was originally intended for workers in a very different setting to the factory floor. NASA developed an early version of the technology called Robo-Glove, that would help astronauts grasp objects and carry out work in space. The Ironhand system is used for assembly parts in the automobile industry. Bioservo developed the design in 2016 and then partnered with auto manufacturer General Motors GM to create the glove for its staff. Why online store Ocado wants to sell out human touch of groceries Ergonomics is really the field of trying to fit the jobs to the workers, instead of the workers having to adapt and fit to the job, says Stephen Krajcarski, a senior manager with GM's ergonomics team. By using tools such as the Ironhand we are really trying to mitigate any potential concerns or physical demands that may eventually cause a medical issue for the individual operator. Krajcarski says GM has helped Bioservo to pilot and improve the Ironhand by testing it in a variety of jobs at its manufacturing plants. He says some workers have found it easy to use but adds that it's not suitable for all situations. The Ironhand is just one exoskeleton GM is looking at. According to market research firm ABI Research, the exoskeleton market will grow from $392 million in 2020 to $6.8 billion in 2030 if you look at exoskeletons, this is just one of the tools out there, says Krajcarski.