Youngest Female Mayor in Japan Steps Down After Facing Gender-Based Attacks

Youngest Female Mayor in Japan Steps Down After Facing Gender-Based Attacks

A Trailblazing Mayor Steps Down

Sawako Naito, who made history in 2020 as Japan's youngest female mayor, has announced she will not seek re-election. Her four-year term in Tokushima, the capital of Shikoku island, has been marked by both progress and personal challenges.

Naito, now 40, faced an onslaught of negativity during her tenure. She described enduring "unfounded rumors" and "confrontations," many of which she attributed to her gender and age. These included hurtful accusations about her personal life and appearance, causing her significant distress.

Naito's experience highlights the persistent challenges faced by women in Japanese politics. A young woman who had initially aspired to follow in Naito's footsteps changed her mind after witnessing the difficulties she encountered.

Naito believes a combination of factors contributed to her hardships, including her gender, age, and the political climate in Tokushima. To cope, she sought support from other women in male-dominated fields, finding strength and solidarity in shared experiences.

Despite the challenges, Naito remains committed to empowering women and building stronger communities. She hopes her story will inspire future generations and pave the way for greater female representation in politics.

Naito's term has been characterized by both "confrontation" and "division" within the city. While she expressed a desire to avoid such political battles, she acknowledges the complex history of Tokushima's political landscape.

Naito's decision to step down marks the end of a groundbreaking chapter in Tokushima's history. Her courage in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration for women seeking to break barriers in the political arena.