The Nutritional Challenges Faced by Athletes and How to Overcome Them

The Nutritional Challenges Faced by Athletes and How to Overcome Them

A Balancing Act

For athletes of all levels, understanding proper nutrition is crucial for reaching their full potential. However, many athletes, including Australian boxing champion Tiana Echegaray, initially struggle with under-fuelling, which can lead to fatigue, dehydration, and compromised performance.

Sports dieticians like Holly Edstein emphasize the importance of consuming enough energy to meet the demands of training and competition. They use the analogy of a bucket filled with food, where the athlete takes out food throughout the day as they expend energy. If the bucket is empty at the end of the day, it can lead to various health issues like irregular menstrual cycles, compromised bone health, and poor immune function. This condition is known as Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S).

While elite athletes often have access to sports dieticians, sub-elite, recreational, and younger athletes may struggle to find accurate information. Many athletes, like Sydney Flames guard Vanessa Panousis, have restrictive relationships with carbohydrates, fearing they will lead to weight gain. However, carbohydrates are essential for recovery and should be consumed in appropriate amounts.

Cronulla Sharks player Quincy Dodd highlights the importance of adjusting food intake based on training load. A variety of foods and key nutrients are crucial for athletes, including carbohydrates for fuel, protein for muscle repair, and healthy fats for hormone production.

Athletes in weight-based sports face additional challenges. Echegaray emphasizes the need for careful meal planning and portion control when cutting weight. However, seeking guidance from an accredited sports dietician is crucial to avoid potential health risks and ensure a safe and effective approach.

Echegaray also acknowledges the potential for developing an unhealthy relationship with food in sports like boxing, where calorie counting can become obsessive. Open communication and support are essential to address these challenges and maintain a healthy mental approach to nutrition.