Challenges Faced by the Tourism Sector in Bulgaria

Challenges Faced by the Tourism Sector in Bulgaria

Veselin Nalbantov, in highlighting the challenges faced by the tourism industry in Bulgaria, expressed concerns about the lack of a cohesive government strategy for recruiting future employees. He emphasized that despite increased funding for salaries, the sector was struggling to retain staff, with many choosing to work abroad where better wage opportunities exist. This trend has led to a labor shortage within Bulgaria's tourism sector.

Nalbantov suggested that one way to address the staff shortages was to open up opportunities for workers from other countries to enter Bulgaria's tourism industry. He mentioned countries like Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and India as potential sources of labor for the summer season. However, he pointed out that bureaucratic hurdles, such as delays in submitting documents to Bulgarian consulates, were hindering the process.

The Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association also raised concerns about the exploitation of potential workers in the recruitment process, citing examples of people being charged substantial fees, such as $250 to $300, to secure positions in the tourism sector. Despite these challenges, Nalbantov remained optimistic about the industry's resilience, noting that businesses were finding ways to operate effectively despite the lack of support from the state administration.