Redefining Adventure with Unparalleled Capability and Luxury

Redefining Adventure with Unparalleled Capability and Luxury

A New Era of Adventure Awaits

the Defender OCTA. This high-performance all-terrain marvel promises to redefine adventure, pushing the boundaries of capability and luxury.

Exclusive Access for Early Adopters

Eager to be among the first to experience the Defender OCTA? Register for one of seven exclusive Defender Elements events held in stunning locations worldwide. From the UK and Germany to Italy, the United States, Dubai, and Japan, these events offer privileged early access to the toughest, most capable, and most luxurious Defender ever created.

Immerse Yourself in the OCTA Experience

At these intimate gatherings, you'll have the opportunity to personalize your Defender OCTA in a relaxed setting. Explore the innovative technologies that power its extreme off-road prowess, including the award-winning 6D Dynamics suspension. Discover the luxurious materials, striking design enhancements, and customizable options that elevate every adventure.

Unparalleled Capability, On and Off-Road

The Defender OCTA boasts a powerful V8 Twin Turbo mild-hybrid petrol engine, delivering unparalleled capability, comfort, and composure on any terrain. To uphold its reputation as the toughest Defender yet, it has undergone the most rigorous testing and development program in the brand's history.

Witnessing the OCTA's Mettle

An official testing and development film showcases the grueling challenges the Defender OCTA has conquered over the past three years. From the Nürburgring Nordschleife to the icy landscapes of Sweden, from the scorching deserts of Dubai to the Moab rock crawls in Utah, the OCTA has proven its mettle in every environment imaginable.

"The Defender OCTA will be synonymous with mastering epic adventures in heightened luxury. This journey begins with the Defender Elements events. Each venue and experience embodies the iconic Defender DNA in an authentic and original way. I eagerly await welcoming the first clients to embark on their Defender OCTA journeys with us."

Prepare to embark on a new era of adventure with the Defender OCTA. Register for a Defender Elements event today and be among the first to experience its unparalleled capabilities and luxurious refinement.