Controversy Surrounds Potential Trump Running Mate's Memoir Detailing Killing of Dog

Controversy Surrounds Potential Trump Running Mate's Memoir Detailing Killing of Dog

The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward,” set to release on May 7, recounting her emotional struggle with putting down her pet.

Governor Noem recounted a series of incidents involving Cricket, from disrupting a hunt to attacking local chickens, leading to the difficult decision to euthanize the dog. Critics, including the Democratic National Committee and Meghan McCain, have strongly criticized Noem for her actions, with the DNC using it as leverage to discredit her in future elections. Meghan McCain expressed her belief that Noem's act of euthanizing the dog is something that cannot be overlooked or spun in the political arena.

Responding to the criticism, Noem defended her decision by highlighting the tough realities of farm life and mentioned other instances where difficult choices had to be made regarding animals. She mentioned having to euthanize three horses recently and explained that tough decisions like this are part of farm life. However, Noem's explanation did not sit well with critics like PETA, whose senior director condemned her choice to euthanize Cricket, suggesting that other training or rehoming options should have been explored.