A Comparative Analysis of Capabilities and Limitations

A Comparative Analysis of Capabilities and Limitations

A Look at Their Air Forces and Air Defense Systems

# Iran's Air Force and Air Defense

Large personnel: Iran's air force boasts 37,000 personnel.

Iran possesses a significant number of drones, estimated to be in the low thousands.

Iran has over 3,500 surface-to-surface missiles, some with powerful warheads.

This Russian-supplied system provides long-range air defense capabilities.

Iran has developed its own air defense systems, including the Bavar-373, Sayyad, and Raad.

Outdated aircraft: Decades of sanctions have limited access to modern equipment, resulting in an aging fleet of mostly Russian and pre-revolution U.S. aircraft.

The air force only has a few dozen operational strike aircraft.

Iran's air defenses, while present, are not as comprehensive as Israel's.

# Israel's Air Force and Air Defense

Advanced U.S.-supplied aircraft: Israel possesses hundreds of modern F-15, F-16, and F-35 fighter jets.

Israel has repurposed Boeing 707s as refueling tankers, extending the range of its fighter jets.

Israel is a pioneer in drone technology, with Heron drones capable of extended flight times and Delilah loitering munitions with a range of 250 km.

Developed with U.S. assistance, this system includes Arrow-3 (high-altitude), Arrow-2 (lower-altitude), David's Sling (mid-range), and Iron Dome (short-range) interceptors, providing comprehensive protection against various threats.

Israel's air defenses are designed to work in conjunction with U.S. interceptors in the region, further strengthening its defenses.

Lack of long-range bombers: Israel's air force lacks dedicated long-range bombers.

While Delilah munitions offer significant range, they may not reach targets deep within Iran without additional measures.

While Iran possesses a sizable air force and air defense systems, its capabilities are hampered by outdated equipment and limited offensive options. In contrast, Israel boasts a modern and powerful air force, coupled with a sophisticated multi-layered air defense system, making it a formidable opponent.