Les Brookfield Completes 100 Runs and Shares the Joy of Community and Exercise

Les Brookfield Completes 100 Runs and Shares the Joy of Community and Exercise

A Parkrun Legend at 94

At 94 years young, Les Brookfield is an inspiration to many. He has completed 100 parkruns, a 5-kilometer course, and has no plans to stop exercising anytime soon.

His journey began in 2018 when a "young chap" at his retirement village encouraged him to join. Since then, regular exercise has not only improved his health and fitness but also brought him immense social benefits.

"The encouragement I got from the people, they're fantastic," Mr. Brookfield said.

A couple of falls led him to use a walker, which he has come to appreciate. "I was using a walking stick before I had a couple of falls, but I fell in love with using a walker," he said. "I use the walker everywhere ... I think it's the safest thing."

Mr. Brookfield is a true Dubbo legend. He completed 32 parkruns in 2018 and 49 in 2019. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, he continued his walks.

At the beginning of 2023, he was back at the Dubbo Run Club, determined to complete 100 parkruns. He achieved this milestone last weekend, greeted by cheers from his peers, family, friends, and a support team from his retirement village.

Research has shown that running clubs like parkrun foster a strong sense of community and camaraderie among participants. Mr. Brookfield has experienced this firsthand.

"Everyone was encouraging, everyone that knew me or knew of me just knew that I was in my 100th one [parkrun] and were very supportive," he said. "It is just fantastic."

Even after completing his 100th parkrun, Mr. Brookfield plans to keep showing up. He credits his success to the support of the women in his life.

"They all seem to adore me for some reason or another," Les said. "I have a daughter that was taking me most Saturdays to walk in the parkrun. When COVID struck, she would come and we would walk for about an hour ... so I was still doing my walk every day or every week."

Mr. Brookfield is a shining example of how exercise and community can contribute to a fulfilling life at any age.