Bengaluru Entrepreneur Dodges Sophisticated Financial Scam by Recognizing SMS Discrepancies

Bengaluru Entrepreneur Dodges Sophisticated Financial Scam by Recognizing SMS Discrepancies

Bengaluru Entrepreneur Dodges Sophisticated Financial Scam

Aditi, an entrepreneur from Bengaluru, recently shared her experience on X (formerly Twitter) to warn others about a sophisticated financial scam she narrowly escaped. The scam operates through cleverly crafted SMS messages designed to create confusion and ultimately steal money.

The drama unfolded when Aditi received a call while in an office meeting. The voice on the other end, sounding like an older man, addressed her affectionately as "beta" (daughter). He claimed to be her father and explained that he had accidentally transferred Rs 30,000 to her account instead of the intended Rs 3,000. He was at the doctor's and urgently needed the excess money returned.

the SMS alerts originated from a regular 10-digit mobile number, not the official sender ID typically used by banks. Additionally, if it were truly her father, he would have called directly.

Realizing she was about to be scammed, Aditi attempted to call back, only to find she had been blocked.

In her tweet, Aditi emphasized the importance of double-checking financial alerts directly through one's bank app or website, ideally on a separate device. Trusting SMSes alone is risky, as scammers have become adept at mimicking official communications.

Aditi's story serves as a reminder to stay vigilant and cautious when dealing with financial transactions, especially those initiated through unsolicited calls or messages. Always verify information directly with your bank and avoid making hasty decisions based on SMS alerts alone.