A Dietitian's Guide to Choosing the Right Alternative Milk for Your Needs

A Dietitian's Guide to Choosing the Right Alternative Milk for Your Needs

A Dietitian's Perspective

is homemade always the healthier option? While many believe "homemade" is inherently better, a closer look reveals both pros and cons to each approach.


Homemade milks contain a greater proportion of the actual nut, seed, or grain, like almonds in almond milk.

You have control over the ingredients, allowing you to avoid added sugars often found in store-bought versions.

Time and effort: Making your own milk requires time and effort for soaking, blending, and straining.

Homemade milks typically last only 2-3 days, requiring frequent preparation.

Homemade versions may not be fortified with calcium and other nutrients commonly added to store-bought alternatives.

A Closer Look

Store-bought alternative milks offer convenience and readily available nutrients. Many are fortified with calcium, an essential mineral for bone health, especially important for women. However, it's crucial to check the ingredient list for added sugars and choose options with minimal additives.

A Key Consideration

When comparing protein content, soy milk stands out as the only plant-based alternative with a protein level comparable to dairy milk. This is an important factor to consider, especially for individuals following plant-based diets.

Homemade vs. Store-bought

The cost-effectiveness of homemade milk depends on the brand you usually buy and the type you want to make. Oat milk is generally the most economical to make at home, while nut milks require a higher upfront investment due to the cost of ingredients. Additionally, the time and effort involved in making your own milk should be factored into the cost comparison.

Tips and Tricks

If you decide to make your own milk, start with simple recipes and readily available kitchen equipment like saucepans, strainers, and blenders. Look for "beginner-friendly" or "minimal-effort" recipes to avoid overwhelming yourself. Remember, not all recipes are created equal, so find one that fits your time constraints and preferences.

Ultimately, the choice between homemade and store-bought alternative milks depends on your individual needs and priorities. Consider factors like convenience, cost, nutritional content, and personal preferences when making your decision.