India's Vision for a Superpower with Strong Global Relations

India's Vision for a Superpower with Strong Global Relations

A Superpower with Strong Global Relations

Addressing a rally in Lucknow, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh outlined the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) vision for India's future. He emphasized the party's commitment to building a "new India" that is not only a global superpower but also maintains strong and positive relationships with all nations.

Singh highlighted Prime Minister Narendra Modi's pledge to make India a "Viksit" nation by 2047. He pointed to India's impressive economic growth, noting its jump from the 11th position in 2014 to the 5th position globally today. Global financial firms predict that India will become the world's third largest economy by 2027.

The Defence Minister acknowledged the challenges of poverty reduction faced by previous governments. However, he lauded the Modi government's success in achieving significant progress in this area, as acknowledged by the IMF and NITI Aayog.

Singh emphasized the importance of Modi's leadership in achieving these milestones and urged voters to re-elect him to continue on this path. He stressed the need for a strong and united India that commands respect on the international stage.

He contrasted India's current global standing with its past, where it was often dismissed as a nation of poverty. He credited Modi's leadership for changing this perception and ensuring that India's voice is now heard and respected on the world stage.

Singh concluded by reiterating the BJP's vision for a prosperous and powerful India that builds bridges with all nations, not through aggression, but through collaboration and mutual respect.