Sudanese People Facing Catastrophic Impact of Conflict and Starvation, UN Warns

Sudanese People Facing Catastrophic Impact of Conflict and Starvation, UN Warns

The people of Sudan are enduring a dire situation as violence, famine, and disease have created a nightmarish reality for millions. The conflict in Sudan erupted in mid-April 2023, stemming from long-standing tensions between the military led by Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commanded by Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, resulting in street battles in Khartoum and subsequent spread to other parts of the country, particularly Darfur.

The UN's humanitarian coordinator for Sudan, Clementine Nkweta-Salami, highlighted the heartbreaking consequences of the conflict, where communities are torn apart, families displaced, and atrocities committed with no regard for human life. As the lean season approaches, concerns are mounting over food scarcity, compounded by the challenges of reaching vulnerable populations due to impassable roads and limited access to essential supplies.

Despite international pledges of humanitarian aid, funding remains insufficient to meet the urgent needs of the Sudanese population, with only 12 percent of the UN's appeal of USD 2.7 billion currently secured. The UN World Food Programme's regional spokesperson, Leni Kinzli, underscored the gravity of the situation, warning of widespread starvation and death if timely assistance does not reach the millions affected, particularly in Darfur where emergency levels of hunger are already prevalent and escalating.