Clarence Community Divided Over Proposed AFL High-Performance Centre at Rosny

Clarence Community Divided Over Proposed AFL High-Performance Centre at Rosny

Community Divided Over Proposed AFL High-Performance Centre in Clarence

The proposed AFL high-performance centre in Clarence, Tasmania, has sparked controversy, with residents divided over its potential location at Rosny. A community meeting held last night drew over 400 attendees, triggered by a petition against the facility from the Save Rosny's Parks group.

the former Rosny golf course and Charles Hand Memorial Park. The meeting resulted in six motions passed by the petitioners, including a call for the council to rescind its vote on the project and to halt any site works until a Hobart AFL stadium is formally approved.

While these motions are non-binding, they will be considered by the council later this month. If the Save Rosny's Parks group remains unsatisfied, they could submit another petition requesting an elector poll, allowing all Clarence residents to voice their opinion. However, Mayor Brendan Blomeley warns that such a poll could cost up to $200,000 and its results might not be binding.

The proposed facility includes two MCG-sized ovals, one at Charles Hand Memorial Park and another on the former golf course. The main administration building would be located on the golf course, but the oval at Charles Hand Park would require the removal of approximately 80 trees and potentially the recently built skate park.

While Mayor Blomeley personally prefers the golf course as the sole location, other options have been considered, including having the entire facility on the former golf course site. The state government's deal with the AFL stipulates that all planning and environmental approvals must be obtained by December, leaving room for potential adjustments to the plans.

The Tasmania Football Club, however, remains open to exploring different options and emphasizes the importance of collaboration with all stakeholders to achieve the best outcome. The state government hopes to have the facility built and ready by 2026, in preparation for the Tasmanian AFL team's first season in 2028.