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Federal Labor promises vote on National Integrity Commission


Federal Labor promised a vote on a national integrity commission by the end of the year if it wins the federal election.

The federal opposition has been campaigning for the anti-corruption body for a long time, and attacked the Coalition for not introducing one, but its timeline for introducing one has not been known until now.

In December 2018, prime minister Scott Morrison announced plans for a commission, but legislation was not introduced to parliament for a vote, with disagreement on what powers and scope the body should have.

In a statement, Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese said that Australians had waited more than 1,200 days for the national integrity commission to be introduced to Parliament. "I am proud to announce that a national anti-corruption commission will be one of the first priorities of a government I lead," Albanese said.

On the campaign trail this week, Mr Morrison stated that the bill was not introduced into Parliament because Labor was opposed to it, despite the Coalition having a majority in the lower house.

The Prime Minister has repeatedly stated that he has introduced legislation in the House of Representatives, a process that puts it on the parliamentary record rather than sparks debate on its merits.

The Prime Minister said that I don't go through theatrical exercises in the parliament on many pieces of legislation.

It is understood that Labor would try to legislate a national integrity commission if the Coalition did not support the proposed model.

Labor has previously voiced support for an integrity commission looking into actions taken by previous governments.

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has previously highlighted the sports rorts scandal as worthy of a referral to a national integrity commission.