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Japan to issue ID cards to Ukrainian evacuees


As part of efforts to help them regain their lives in the country, Japan is preparing to issue identity cards to hundreds of Ukrainians who have fled to Japan.

The IDs are expected to make the process smooth, by confirming their status as evacuees when they process paperwork at municipal offices and banks. The immigration agency hopes to issue the cards by the end of the week.

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine began in late February, 719 evacuees had come to Japan by Sunday, including some without any family connections in the country.

The Immigration Agency received requests to make it easier for Ukrainians in Japan to prove they fled their country because of the ongoing war, which led to the decision to issue IDs.

A photo of the evacuee will be included in the card, along with a statement certifying the individual as a Ukrainian evacuee accepted by the government of Japan. It is expected to be used along with their passport and residence card.

The agency was informing evacuees about the issuance of the card on Tuesday.

At a news conference, Justice Minister Yoshihisa Furukawa said the government as a whole will continue to provide close assistance to evacuees.