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Belarus mulls making attempted terrorist attacks punishable by death


Legislators propose to make attempted acts of terrorism punishable by death.

Belarus has responded to efforts by anti-war activists to sabotage the nation's railway network by taking measures to make attempted terrorist attacks punishable by execution.

The former Soviet republic's lower house of parliament approved plans on Wednesday to widen the use of the death penalty, according to state-run media outlet Belta. If the upper house votes in favor of the plan and President Alexander Lukashenko signs it into law, the Belarus criminal code will be revised accordingly.

Sentences of capital punishment in Belarus are limited to cases involving particularly serious crimes, such as terrorist acts that cause death, killing of police officers, or multiple murders. The proposed revision would give prosecutors the power to seek the death penalty in cases where a suspect tries unsuccessfully to commit a terrorist act.

House Chairman Vladimir Andreychenko said such crimes are one of the most serious threats to the security and stability of the society. He said that destructive forces continue their terrorist, extremist activities aimed at killing people, trying to shake up the situation in Belarus, provoking domestic instability and conflicts.

Andreychenko alluded to attempts by saboteurs to disrupt rail operations by damaging signaling instruments and other equipment. The Washington Post recently credited such tactics as helping to thwart Russia's military offensive against Ukraine. Russian forces used the Belarusian railway network to transport troops and equipment to Ukraine.

Actions are being taken to disable railway equipment and tracks, objects of strategic importance, Andreychenko said. There is no justification for the actions of terrorists. Authorities in Minsk have arrested at least four people for trying to disable rail operations in the last few weeks. The suspects were shot and wounded while they were arrested, allegedly while resisting arrest.