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Netflix employees may have to work on content that are harmful


There is an artistic expression section of the company's workplace culture guidelines that employees may have to work on or alongside content they think is harmful, according to Netflix NFLX.

As employees, we support the principle that Netflix offers a diversity of stories, even if some titles are counter to our own values, the culture document states. It may be necessary to work on titles that you consider to be harmful, depending on your role. If you find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you. It is not known when Netflix updated its company guideline, but a previous version of the Netflix culture document from April 23 did not have an artistic expression section and had little to no mention of how employees should or could address feelings about content that Netflix creates.

Below is the entire section on Netflix's website.

Last year, Netflix faced some criticism from transgender people over comments made by comedian Dave Chappelle on his Netflix special The Closer. The frustration with Chappelle's special boiled over and eventually led to a walkout by Netflix.

See also: Marvel's Doctor Strange 2 has been banned in some countries for the inclusion of a gay character.

A Netflix spokesperson said at the time regarding the walkout, we value our trans colleagues and allies, and we understand the deep hurt that has been caused. We respect the decision of an employee who walks out, and we recognize that we have much more work to do within Netflix and in our content. Is Disney a better company than Netflix, but how much does that matter?

By the end of 2022, Netflix will be cracking down on password sharing, and such restrictions, along with a new ad-supported tier, could come into effect.

The shares of Netflix Inc. were up 6.09% during Friday s trading. Netflix has gone down 62.51% over the past 12 months, compared to a 4.3% drop for the S&P 500 SPX, Index over the same period.