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Whale of BTCUSD whale receives more than $30 million in Bitcoin


A BTCUSD whale has recently moved more than $30 million worth ofBTC, according to The whale was inactive for over eight years.

Whale Alert said in a Twitter post that the dormant address received 1,000 BTC in 2013 and had a total value of $468,600.

On Friday, the anonymous account sent nearly 2,100 BTC to two other addresses. One address received over 2,000 BTC and the other over 99.99 BTC.

The wallet deposited a single Bitcoin in 2012, adding another 499 BTC in June 2012, when the top coin was worth $5.25.

The number ofBitcoin being deposited into exchanges is on the rise. There were more than 1.7 million coins inflows from the market for the virtual currency, according to Glassnode.