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Paul Varney blasts Biden for blaming others when things go wrong


In his latest What is Paul Biden? interview, FOX Business' Stuart Varney blasts president Biden for his approach on the supply chain and energy problems facing America.

STUART VARNEY: The President has a habit of blaming others when things go wrong.

He says he will call the private sector if they don't step up to solve the supply chain problems at the port of Los Angeles.

It wasn't the private sector that caused this mess. It s the government and the unions!

Since several months, we have been reporting on the backlog of ships and containers. And at all that time, the Port was closed at night and often on weekends too! Asia continues to open ports at 24, but the Longshoremen's Union has been saying No, can't do that! Biden has gone all-out to help private labor, but he'll blame the Obama administration for the mess at LA port that isn't cleared up.

His supply chain task force has been meeting since spring. The port backlog has steadily gotten worse, and the president has just gotten around to a fix.

Haven't heard anything from him except his all-important climate views.

What are the signs of a chronic labor shortage?

Nobody is fired from this cabinet.

If Trump was President, heads would have rolled by now. He was probably at the port himself.

In any administration we can accept a degree of incompetence. However, the dishonesty of others is just incompetence.

Biden blamed the Afghans for our deadly and chaotic withdrawal.

He blames the unvaccinated. He blames border security officers for itching.

'Nice, because gas prices have been hurting him politically since the climate crisis has started, we have to demand the oil companies to raise production for energy price inflation. And now, he is begging the oil companies to keep production as low as possible.

This is an incompetent and dishonest administration, and there's still three more years to come.