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China's higher education system continues to grow


On April 25, 2021, students attended a campus event to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the founding of Tsinghua University in Beijing. PHOTO XINHUA BEIJING - The gross enrollment rate of China's higher education hit 57.8 percent in 2021, compared with 30 percent in 2012, said the Ministry of Education on Tuesday.

The ministry said that China now has the world's largest higher education system, as over 44.3 million students are studying at higher education institutions across the country.

There are 240 million people in China who have received higher education so far, according to the ministry.

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The achievements of China's higher education reform and development over the past decade were highlighted by the press conference.

Professor at the Tsinghua University, Xie Weihe said that China's higher education is at the stage of universalization.

More than 30,000 colleges and universities across the country have created 30,000 courses and hired 174,000 teachers with professional backgrounds in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship education, according to statistics.

More than 330 million college and university students have received MOOCs credits, according to Wu.