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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's partnership with ethical investment firm


We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've agreed to and to improve our understanding of you. This can include ads from us and 3 rd parties based on our understanding This week the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced their partnership with the Ethic Group, an ethical investment firm. The company, which Prince Harry and Meghan Markle said could change the world, claims to guide older generations on investing in environmentally and socially responsible companies including areas like green energy.

However, Ethic - which is reported to have $1.3 billion of assets - has been found to be pumping millions of pounds into a fossil fuel company.

Documentation from the US Security Exchange Commission shows the company with which the Sussexes are partnered, has holdings in a number of banks, oil companies, pharmaceutical firms and chemicals manufacturers.

One of the ethical investment companies is Baker Hughes Company, which provides the oil and gas industry with products and services to conduct oil drilling.

Ethic told MailOnline that the former-royals would be able to avoid investing their funds in any companies that they personally disagree with: We allow our clients to choose the environmental, social and governance issues that are most important to them and then help them create custom portfolios based on their preferences.