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What is the security of your digital tokens?


Yes, cryptocurrency is the talk of the town, but there is so much to learn about it. The storage solutions are cryptocurrency services. This is a safe and secure storage for the much valued asset. What is crypto custody, and why should I opt for bitcoin custody?

From experts to novices, if there is consensus on one thing about cryptocurrency that is vulnerability of digital tokens, it's this: the vulnerability of malware or hackers. While there are already many solutions, including smart wallets, to address the safety concerns, bitcoin custody providers take everything a step up. In simple terms, these are third parties that provide storage and security for your digital tokens.

Now you must be wondering if they offer the same services as a digital wallet does, what is the difference? While the wallets are intended for one and all, the digital coincurrency services are primarily intended for institutional investors, including hedge funds, and those holding large amounts of bitcoin or other digital tokens.

Cold wallets are digital wallets and remain connected to the internet most of the time, making them prone to hacks while hot wallets store your cryptofunds offline, which automatically makes them more secure. According to a report in ULAM Labs, to offer the highest level of security, the best crypto custodians often utilise a combination of hot and cold wallets.

What are some good tips to reduce the security of crypto funds?

The primary responsibility, no matter how small or large your personal funds, is to protect your private keys and backups. Not just that, the private keys and backs must be kept separate so as to protect them from any harm externally as well as internally. And that is where professional crypto mining experts can help a great deal. They deploy special security measures against the d risk concerning confidentiality, availability and integrity of private keys and their backups.