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Danish lawmakers agree to levy 6% levy on global TV streaming


COPENHAGEN Reuters -- Lawmakers in Denmark have agreed that global TV streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon and Disney must pay a 6% levy in order to support local TV production.

The bill, which was agreed on Saturday, comes as governments across Europe try to secure support for local TV and film production due to the rapid rise in the popularity of streaming services.

The ministry of culture said that Denmark must go as far as possible in order to provide good public service to children and young people, which can serve as a real alternative to the tech giants' platforms and foreign content.

It added that the fragmented media landscape following the entry of global streaming services can challenge the cohesion and democratic dialogue in our country. Switzerland and Portugal have introduced similar measures and Spain is due to introduce a levy.

U.S. streaming services have already made several productions in Denmark. Netflix partnered with Danish broadcaster DR to produce the fourth season of Borgen, which aired this year.