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The New York Times’ Ransom project on Haiti’s Creole


The New York Times's Ransom project spoke directly to many Haitians, and not just because it offered an explanation for why daily life in their country is so grueling.

Along with English and French, the articles appeared in Haitian Creole.

It was the first time a full article — much less a multipart series — in Haitian Creole had appeared on The Times'website, and many Haitians responded to that alone over the weekend.

The biggest service you could do for Haiti today is to read this investigation, a well-known journalist from Haiti, Nancy Roc, wrote on Twitter in Haitian Creole and French from her home in Montreal. The newspaper published certain texts in Creole for the first time in its history. The Times partnered with a team of Haitian Creole translators based in North Miami. It was the most ambitious project the team had ever worked on, said Fedo Boyer, founder and president.