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Central Bank of Germany calls for lower energy prices


He believes that not everyone, but those who consume less should get compensation for electricity and gas prices.

We propose to change the electricity and gas compensation schemes by providing a minimum per capita consumption of electricity and gas, i.e. The central banker told reporters on Friday that there was only enough compensation to compensate for up to a certain level of consumption.

The government should also allow for restrictions on heating compensations, because at present it has gone too wide, without differentiating it according to people's income, making it inefficiently using the same taxpayers' money, Simkus said.

He also criticized the government's partly politically motivated increase in pensions, which in his opinion deviates from the pension indexation system provided by the law.

The Finance Ministry proposes additional indexation of old-age pensions by 5 percent as of June in its 2022 state budget bill.

The ministers propose to expand the circle of those who receive heating compensation and to compensate all residents for the sharp increase in electricity and gas prices as of July.

The state budget for 2009 forecasts 973 million euros to mitigate the effects of rising inflation.