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Rep. Byron Donalds slams Biden admin's energy policies as disastrous


During an interview on Mornings with Maria, Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., slammed the Biden administration's energy policies as disastrous and said it was time for America to get serious about domestic refining capacity.

REP. BYRON DONALDS: It is a disastrous policy. We can't even refine it in the United States the way we could maybe a decade ago, 15 years ago. That's number one. The State Department of Environmental Protection stopped refineries from being able to maintain altogether because of bad economic and energy policy from Democrats, particularly in blue states.

There is a lot of demand for petroleum derivatives because of the fact that we have so many of them. We could be talking about contact lenses, wireless earbuds, cell phones, TVs, clothes, or any product you want to talk about, there's a derivative of oil in there. Demand for petroleum products is going to get a lot of attention. Our refining capacity in the United States is down from where it used to be. This is a faulty leadership that has been going on for a long time, and started in the Obama administration. We have to get serious about refining capacity in the United States.