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Winklevoss twins continue investing in cryptocurrencies


On two separate occasions, both the billionaire Winklevoss Twins and Miami spokesman Francis Suarez expressed their bullish attitude towards the coin market, even after the fallout following the Terra LUNA scandal.

Suarez receives his salary inBTC because they believe in the technology behind the coin, and they choose to increase their investments in startups.

Fundraising for startups in the field of cryptocurrencies andBlockchain declined after the recent crash of the LUNA. The twins of Winklevoss took advantage of this decline and accelerated their investments in various Cryptocurrencies startups.

Cameron Winklevoss commented on the investments and said:

The brothers hold onto their investments in cryptocurrencies andCryptocurrencies. Tyler tweeted during the first days of the market collapse:

Two days later, Cameron backed his brother up and tweeted:

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, who co-founded Gemini, have a combined fortune of $6,4 billion. They have invested in 50 cryptocurrencies orBlockchain startups and are among the largest holders of Bitcoins.

Suarez holds on to his salary inBitcoin.

The mayor of Miami, Francis Suarez, spoke about the future of criptocurrencies at the World Economic Forum.

He was asked if he would choose to receive his salary in Bitcoins if he knew that the LUNA crash would happen. Suarez said something:

I am still taking a salary inBitcoin. I will note for the record that it is not my only salary. I think it is a different decision than if a person was deciding to take their salary inBitcoin if it was the only source of income for them. He continued to talk about his optimistic approach to the market. He said something.

I have the luxury of being able to think long in terms of my investment inBitcoin. I don't focus on the price. The price of Bitcoins has gone down almost invariably over the past few years, if you look at the price historically. The price goes up every year and it goes up as well. The base technology is what I focus on. For a long time, the attitude of Mayor Suarez towards cryptocurrencies has been positive. He is working on allowing businesses to pay taxes in criptocurrency.