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Tata Motors filed record number of patents in FY22


Tata Motors Ltd TML has filed a record number of 125 patents in FY 22, the highest number in its history, according to the company. The patents filed entail traditional and new energy powertrain technologies, safety, connected vehicle technologies, body in white BIW trims along with other vehicle systems, the automaker said in a statement. The company received a grant of 56 patents during the same period.

TML has been making ahead of the curve investments in new age technologies, with a focus on enabling future ready mobility. The company claimed that it has introduced several innovations over the years, due to the intrinsic capabilities in R&D, technology incubation and success in developing segment-defining vehicles in both commercial and passenger vehicles.

Rajendra Petkar, president CTO, Tata Motors, said that we have established a legacy of setting new benchmarks with cutting-edge technologies and features in the areas of new energy solutions, safety, product performance, cost of ownership and digitalization. The drive to keep challenging the status quo in pursuit of excellence and an enabling culture and ecosystem to foster innovation have been the key to delivery. We remain committed to using our engineering prowess in creating top-class mobility solutions to serve the evolving aspirations of our customers. An official joint statement had mentioned that the Indian conglomerate's automobile and energy arms Tata Motors and Tata Power have announced a 7 megawatt peak MWp solar rooftop project at Tata Motors Passenger Vehicle plant in Chikhali, Pune.