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Web 3.0 is here and has taken over the world


Web 3.0 is here and has taken over the world by a storm. Pratik Gauri says that Web 3.0 is like infrastructure, but it's a distributed ledger technology, and when you build a decentralised protocol, the power is back to the community. It's more secure, more transparent, and more secure. It's more accountable, and the best thing the world has seen. Even after five years, if you file an FIR and everything is on Web 3.0, it's unavoidable. The records can't be changed because of this. Web 3.0 is the latest iteration of the World Wide Web, based on concepts such as decentralization and token-based economics. Web 2.0 is where we are talking about interacting with social media, Facebook and Telegram. You are talking about ownership of data with Web 3.0. I have my identity and that is what I own today. Let's say today that I have data on Facebook, but that data belongs to Facebook. That identity, with Web 3.0, would be owned by me. Antoni Martin shared views on data, individual security and privacy. He said you are unique, but in the end you are a different person from how a single person can have a different person at work, with your football team, or in the end you are a different person. Web 3.0 allows you to embed in a single point that could be your own identity, because not everyone needs to know everything about it. I can show only what I want by compartmentalizing data. With the new technology a user can use compartmentalize, and not let the social media companies create a digital profile by connecting all the dots. A user will be able to create a unique identifier for a particular instance and disconnect everything else.

According to Sumit Gupta of CoinDCX, The Web 3.0 is a new internet in the making right now, because of how companies are planning to leverage this technology. The new internet is built on a platform that solves a problem of trust. There are already a lot of companies in the world that are already building. So essentially, any company, any technology company that we have right now is going to adopt a key strategy. That is a huge shift that we will see in the coming years. The entire internet is being pushed directly in the coming years, and it is not just about reading.