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UK competition regulator to launch an investigation into music streaming


LONDON - Oct 19 Reuters : Competition regulator said on Tuesday it planned to launch an investigation into music streaming to see whether the role played by platforms such as Spotify created a fair deal for consumers.

The Competition and Markets Authority has taken an increasingly proactive role in the regulation of digital markets, with investigations already launched into the power wielded by Google, Facebook and Apple in different parts of the Digital ecosystem.

It announced on Tuesday that it would now turn its attention to music streaming, which accounts for 80% of music consumption in Britain and is dominated by the likes of Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and YouTube.

It said that the sector had changed beyond recognition in the last 10 years.

A market study will help us to understand these radical changes and build a view as to whether competition in this sector is working well or whether further action needs to be taken, CMA Chief Executive Andrea Coscelli said.

Market study is used to investigate a sector and decide what intervention will be needed. Outcomes can include asking government to change regulations, encouraging businesses to self-regulate, taking action against firms and a full investigation in-depth.