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Macron accuses rivals of questioning of French law


It may include adverts from us and 3 rd parties based on our understanding. The incumbent president complained on Monday that his rivals' questioning of French law is an old Canadian disease. The first round of the French presidential election will be held on 10 April 2022. The incumbent President Macron won the 2017 elections and his current term was until May 13, 2022.

The election will be held just before the 2022 legislative election and Mr Macron has faced opponents such as Valerie Pecresse and Michel Barnier. In a televised debate at Chasseneuil-du - Poitou, on the outskirts of Poitiers, Mr Macron said: I am astonished, to say the least, to see that as soon as there is a problem we return to this old French disease which consists in saying, it is Europe, signed then ratified sovereignly. Our justice system has long been built on the dialogue between judges at the European level.