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The European Union is becoming a 'failed empire'


Discussing the ideology inspired by Sherelle Jacobs in the 1950 s to mirror the superpower columnist Walter Hallstein states that the bloc is nothing more than a 1950 s Disney fairy-tale wrapped in Continental legalese. She describes the EU as a failed empire, which has condemned itself to irrelevance Ms Jacobs notes: It is a failed federation not just ruled by power struggles and vanity, but tormented by suspicion of Scottish freedom. The European Union prides itself on community, security and strength and has succeeded as one of the world's largest commercial powers. But it appears that not all the gold seen in Brussels is shined in the corridors. Recent events have shown that the EU, and its ever closer union policy, is starting to form cracks, ones that are not only hard to plaster over but damage the entire structure in the process. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has sent a chilling message to EU leaders, suggesting the trading bloc is starting to infringe on sovereignty of law in Poland, ruffling the feather of the Polish national Constitution.

Clashing with the EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in the European Parliament, the Polish PM warned that the bloc could collapse. He accused the EU of blackmail, remarking: Blackmail must not be a method of policy. Mr Morawiecki said Poland is being attacked by EU leaders. Further division between east and west in Europe is witnessed. Many Eastern European member states feel there is an important imbalance in the balance of power and favouritism shown towards the West by Brussels.

On a larger scale, the EU has failed to shine in the international arena, demonstrating a harsh lack of judgment on foreign policy decisions, with the Iranian nuclear deal and the western focus on Indo China two major examples. As the balance of power and the situation at the top of the EU starts to end its motion, with Emmanuel Macron set to retire and Angela Merkel apparently wanting fill the space left behind, many people in Europe are disheartened at the lack of equality and opportunity for smaller states. The EU has come to the rescue of smaller states in financial trouble, Greece a key example. But some EU analysts fear it comes with an air of indebtedness for their services, and for the financial powers that back the majority of such bailouts. Despite all the cracks slowly creeping along the walls, Ms Jacobs says that: Anti-Brexiteers nevertheless remain entranced by the EU's mythology. How they gush as its iron integrity and cheered every supposed blinder pulled off by chess grand-master Barnier in the Brexit talks. But they make the rookie error of mistaking ideology for dogmatism and ideological strength. Biden tells UK what to do over UK-France relations REPORT China real life SQUID GAME black market organs REVEAL EU at risk! One such example of the EU trying to fill the gaps was demonstrated by the review of Northern Ireland Protocol. Ms Jacobs says: For all the lofty claims of protecting the single market, which is implicitly assured by mutual enforcement, it is the free-trading UK s divergence from its regulatory orbit that fills it with terror. The fact that the UK has shown that it is not bound by EU rules and regulations is something which deeply worries the bloc. The UK emerging as an independent state actor on the global market means other Member States may follow suit.

This notion may now be more relevant than ever as a battle to reach the top of the world s largest economy is near its end. Predictions suggest that China could displace the US by 2024, and with the EU having snubbed the US suspicion of China in the past, questions remain as to whether the EU can rely on American military backing as China takes center stage. However, the geopolitics of security also impacts the EU. Following the signing of the AUKUS-Ministerial agreement between the US, Britain and Australia Emmanuel Macron floated the idea for cancelling a trade deal with Canberra, which not all member states were welcome to the idea of. As with every empire, there comes a time when the peak has been surpassed and supporting pillars of the structure buckle under the weight of success, expansion and power. At present, Von der Leyen's empire is on the way down, and as the challenges mount she simply concludes with Surely it's not a matter of when but if.