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Kevin Hassett slams Biden's refusal to hold oil CEOs meeting despite deplorable rhetoric against industry


Former Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Kevin Hassett called out President Biden's unwillingness to meet with oil CEOs at the White House Thursday on lowering record high gas prices, despite his deplorable rhetoric against the industry on Mornings with Maria. KEVIN HASSETT: It's unbelievable that you would have a meeting with the companies that make the most important product in America right now and have the president not meet with them. You know, the guys they've decided to demonize are something they've decided to do. You've seen the rhetoric come out of the White House. If you have like free companies out there that consumers like, you know, then the White House shouldn't be threatening them with the sword of Damocles. Biden's not going to the meeting means that he's probably going to give a speech after the meeting about how they all should burn in hell or something. He's declared a verbal war against the oil companies, and he's sending his deputies to talk to them. It's a terribly Machiavellian move. And it bodes ill for getting more oil to come, because if you got a president who hates you, then why would you increase capacity in a country that's run by a president who hates you?