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Kerry to visit Saudi Arabia next week on climate change


WASHINGTON, Oct 21 Reuters - U.S. President John Kerry's climate envoy, Joe Biden, will travel to Saudi Arabia next week for meetings with government counterparts and business leaders on efforts to address the climate crisis, the State Department said on Thursday.

Kerry will visit Glasgow on Oct. 24 and 25 before the U.N. climate change convention in Riyadh that starts Oct. 31, the department said in a statement.

In Riyadh, Kerry will participate in the Middle East Green Initiative Summit, which will discuss ways to reduce emissions, reverse desertification, and grow forests.

com news top-news articles 2021 - 10 - 11 exclusive-us - eu-line - up-over - 20 - more-countries - for-global - methane-pact on slashing emissions of methane 30% by 2030 from 2020 levels. More than 30 countries including Germany, Canada and Japan joined the partnership which covers 60% of global GDP and 30% of global methane emissions.

Saudi Arabia is building a $5 billion plant to produce 'green hydrogen' by extracting the gas from water using electrolyzers powered by solar and wind power. Hydrogen can be used in fuel cell vehicles or be blended with natural gas to create a cleaner-burning fuel, but today most hydrogen is extracted using fossil fuels that produce large amounts of planet-warming emissions.

Kerry said last month that hydrogen could be a multitrillion-dollar global market in coming decades.