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How India needs to combat Chinese economic challenges


Management Ram Charan said that we need to do targeted marketing with companies that we want to invite to the country and industry needs to work together with the government because of the steps India needs to take to protect itself from the very disruptive Chinese economic strategies. He said India needs to build a supply chain in India to find qualified employees to enable the multiplier effect in the economy.

Business houses including the Aditya Birla Group and Wipro have consulted him in India.

In the masterclass he talked about China's goals and emphasised that the worldview of the Chinese is that they want autocracy and one-party rule in the whole world. The second goal is to increase the American dollar as the reserve currency and the movement has begun. If the dollar reserve currency gets lost, what do you think will happen? He talked about the five building blocks of China. The building block one is to accumulate hard currency. They have $3.4 trillion of the currency and America has $1.4 trillion of it. Charan said that $3.4 trillion is increasing by around $500 billion a year. They have a trade surplus from almost 150 countries. He added that this is their strategy.

He said that the second strategy is to encircle the globe using logistics and ports. China has a railroad from northeast China to Europe in 16 days. They control their logistics. They use their logistics but they are not allowed to use their logistics. They now have underground cables to control the data flow and telecommunications. They control their whole logistics. The next one is block voting in the global trade of organisations. The fourth strategy is the diversionary strategy of the Russian-Ukraine war.

We can argue this, but my sense is that it is a diversionary technique. It results in the diversion. Because the resources are going, the concentration is away from the Chinese point of view, and then you have the fear, he said.